SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences
September 11—14, 2017 • Erlangen, Germany
Ranging from science to public policy, there is a growing need for advanced modeling and simulation and their application in various fields of the geosciences. These include renewable energies (e.g. thermal, wind), underground waste disposal and cleanup of hazardous waste, earthquake prediction, weather prediction, and global climate change, along with the well-established fields of petroleum exploration and recovery. In the interdisciplinary enterprise of modeling of such processes, mathematical modeling at appropriate scales is impossible without further developments in mathematical theory, probability and statistics, numerical approximations, and large-scale computational algorithms.
The conference has a long tradition in subsurface modeling as well as atmospheric / ocean / climate and general hydrologic modeling. It aims to facilitate communication between scientists of varying backgrounds facing similar issues in different fields and perspectives and provide a forum in which advances in parts of the larger modeling picture can become known to those working in other parts. In particular, this enables an enhanced exchange between various branches of applied mathematics with the geosciences, ensures the dissemination of appropriate tools and methods, and fosters useful fundamental research in applied mathematics. These kinds of interactions are needed for meaningful progress in understanding and predicting complex physical phenomena in the geosciences.